20. May 2017

Interview with Carsten Frien: Many Devices, One Goal

Carsten Frien, Co-Founder and CEO of multi-device technology provider Roq.ad, calls for an end of isolated marketing channels. Clients like Red Bull and Vodafone prove that cross-device marketing pays. In the interview with LEAD digital, Carsten Frien explains which KPIs  to watch in order to make it work. Read more (in German)…

27. April 2017

Internations’ Malte Zeeck: “Patron of Business Nomads”

Ten years ago, Munich resident Malte Zeeck founded the international expat network Internations. Today, it is present in 390 cities around the globe. Compared to its competition, it is rather small, but in its niche it is leading, and growing substantially. Read more (in German)…